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Engaging Courses to Support
Your Childs Development

Crash Course to Sensory Diets

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This is an introduction to sensory diets. This webinar is a short crash course into the most crucial foundations of sensory diets and regulation. As a result of this course, participants will be able to: - Understand what a sensory diet is and its purpose in supporting sensory processing needs. - Recognise who would benefit from a sensory diet, including individuals with sensory processing disorders or those who have difficulties with sensory regulation. - Understand what the Sensory Profile assessment is and why its results are crucial for guiding the selection of appropriate sensory activities. - Comprehend how sensory diets can aid in improving attention and regulation by providing tailored sensory input to meet the individuals needs.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app





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Bambini Health
We strive to support children to be unique and achieve. We are a family centred practice with a strong belief in supporting the entire family unit. We believe that to achieve the best outcomes for children the entire family unit should be supported. Our team are dedicated in providing the best quality care for all our families.
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